- Missing ~/Library folder in Finder: Use “chflags nohidden ~/Library” in terminal to show it back
- QSB huge memory alloc bug for more than 4 words input: NO FIX yet, disable spotlight plugin to work around
- XCode 4.1 launch crash: install standalone iTunes 10.4 after install XCode 4.1
- 3 finger swipe crash chrome/terminal/…: remove AirKeysInputManager.bundle from simbl, upgrade betterTouchTool to support customizable Lion multi-touches
- No Trim support for 3rd party ssd: Use Trim Enabler 1.2 to re-enable Trim support for SSD in Lion
- Alt+up/down doesn’t work any more to switch Spaces, now Mission Control only have left/right horizontal Desktops, which is ridiculous and lousy for switch more than 2 desktops; Workaround: arrange common applications to Desktop 2 so that only one left/right switch is needed for most used 3 desktops, alt+number to direct jump
- Time Machine backup with link station is BROKEN because Lion use new netatalk 2.2 and new security protocol. No quick fix seems to come from Buffalo 🙁 A firmware 1.53beta upgrade is provided by Buffalo to fix TimeMachine backup issue, but it’s only for LS-CHL-V2, the CHL revision 1 seems no quick fix before September! Wait Again!
- Preview constantly crashes upon launching if some folder in home folder is a symbolic link to external hard disk folder; remove the symbolic link, relaunch preview(won’t crash now), and relink the symbolic link, preview will work since then.
- Autojump broken in Terminal: Fix by replacing line 47 in autojump.bash with
- TextEdit also keeps crash upon launching: Same issue with Preview, remake downloads symlink will fix it.
- Full screen apps doesn’t support second display. Only the primary display could show the apps in full screen mode leaving other displaying only blank linen. And because the system menu bar is also on primary display, some functions are also hard to use for app maximized window on second display. Workaround: use this hack for opening another app in full screen as well as REMEMBER the keyboard shortcuts!
- VMWare Fusion 4 introduce its bluetooth and broke previously self-customized bluetooth broadcom driver, now only usable in client windows system booted when bluetooth is turned on OR check share bluetooth device with windows, otherwise, even though device manager has one bluetooth device listed, the broadcom bluetooth software won’t recognize it either.