Test Analytics is a quite good project from Google for testing analysis practice. It is open sourced at http://code.google.com/p/test-analytics/. However the documentation is quite limited and not straight forward for configuration and setup.
Just spend quite a few hours to make it run on GAE with Google Apps account. Here is the steps:
- Create target GAE application in GAE (https://appengine.google.com) with your Google Apps account, select user authentication to Google Apps and set your apps domain (i.e. xxxx.com)
- In your Google Apps Administrator Homepage (https://www.google.com/a/xxxx.com/), add services with GAE application id set to the created one
- Download or git clone the test analytics project code
- In the pom.xml at project dir, add following lines into the maven-gae-plugin <plugin> element:
</configuration> - also change gae.version to latest version in pom.xml
- In ~/.m2/settings.xml add: (make sure <id>value is equal to <serverId> of maven-gae-plugin in pom.xml)
<username>google apps account</username>
<password>google apps password</password>
</settings> - In the appengine-web.xml under src\main\resources, change:
value of frontend.url to your GAE application url
value of frontend.localdomain to your Google Apps Domain xxxx.com
value of frontend.whitelisting to true
- in terminal, go to project folder, run “mvn gae:unpack” to install latest gae java sdk to maven repository
- run “mvn gae:deloy”
- now maven will download all required plugins, compile project and upload it to GAE
- check if it works successfully by login with your Google Apps Account, you can enable accessing accounts in GAE application’s permission settings